Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Almost Midnight - by Rainbow Rowell

Title:              Almost Midnight
Author:         Rainbow Rowell
Published:   Nov 2, 2017
Rating:          3 stars
Midnights is the story of Noel and Mags, who meet at the same New Year's Eve party every year and fall a little more in love each time . . .
Kindred Spirits is about Elena, who decides to queue to see the new Star Wars movie and meets Gabe, a fellow fan.
Midnights was previously published as part of the My True Love Gave to Me anthology, edited by Stephanie Perkins and Kindred Spirits was previously published as a World Book Day title.

I picked this book up from my local bookstore as at only 131 pages, I could see that it was going to be a quick read (and I managed to read it in roughly an hour, so I take that as a win for me).

These two short stories were cute and gave me the warm and fuzzies inside. My favourite of the two was the first one titled Midnights but I also liked the second titled Kindred Spirits, just not as much as the first one.

In Midnights, I really hope that they stay together (as friends or as lovers? You'll only know if you raed the book! I'm not giving away spoilers!). I'd give this one a 4 star rating.

In Kindred Spirits, I hope that all three of them remain friends and get to see many a 'Star Wars' movie together, even if it's just the three of them sitting at someone's house marathon watching them or something like that. I'd give this one a 3 star rating.

I adored the glittery cover too and also loved that the glitter didn't come off everywhere while I was trying to read but maintained the awesome sparkle!

Pay attention to the illustrator's name of this book as you may notice it somewhere in one of the stories; I did! The illustrations were amazing and I loved the way that both of these stories were set out with their chapter headings etc.

'I need you to be my person,' Mags said. 'I need to see you. And hear you. I need you to stay alive. And I need you to stop kissing other people just because they're standing next to you when the ball drops.'

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